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Whether you’re a book fan or a show fan, the final season of Game of Thrones is poised to beautifully wrap up one of the most popular and critically acclaimed TV shows out there. As the story winds to a close, it’s sure to be a bittersweet moment full of great triumphs, tragic deaths, and long awaited retribution. Or everyone dies. Whatever happens, it’s going to be one heck of a wild ride, possibly on the back of a dragon, and what could be a better way to commemorate the closing of the Game of Thrones show than with the opening of a Game of Thrones board game?

Westeros is practically brimming with colourful and interesting characters. Some of them you love to hate, and others you hate to love, particularly when they die. A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King focuses more on the fun and whimsical side of Westerosi politics, which involves getting Varys to collect cartoonish re-imaginings of popular characters from the great houses Stark, Baratheon, Targaryen, Tyrell, Lannister, Greyjoy, and Tully for you in hopes that you will be named the next Hand of the King. It’s the lighthearted romp through Westeros you didn’t know that you need, but now, you do.

The perfect opportunity for a “you know nothing Jon Snow” quote

Thanks to the wonderful world-building of George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones is set in one of the most realistically complex fantasy realms since Tolkien created Middle-Earth. Therefore, Game of Thrones: the Trivia Game has no shortage of questions to pull from the show while challenging you and your friends to a contest of quizzes. Featuring over 1200 questions with content from seasons one to four, this is a perfect game for testing your valyrian steel sharp knowledge of Game of Thrones or refreshing your memories on the little things you may have forgotten. Like Ser Pounce.

Hopefully by now, I’ve whet your appetite for Game of Thrones games, and if that’s the case, grab a chair and tie a napkin around your neck, because A Game of Thrones: the Board Game is a feast for both A Song of Ice and Fire and board game lovers. In this massive game of strategy, tactics, alliances, and deception, Westeros becomes a battleground for the great houses seeking to capture castles and strongholds from some players while forging tenuous alliances with others. I don’t think I need to mention what happens to alliances in A Song of Ice and Fire… What’s more, this already epic game has three gargantuan expansions — A Dance With Dragons, A Feast For Crows, and Mother of Dragons — which offer new houses, maps, mechanics, the Free Cities, and the Iron Bank of Braavos, which players can risk their necks borrowing money from.

There are many ways to enjoy the rich world of A Game of Thrones, be it through books, television, or games. Whichever way you choose to delight yourself in this vivid tale of intrigue and greed, keep these games in mind for a fun, and true to theme, struggle for power, victory, and the Iron Throne.

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