There are so many amazing breweries in Alberta and, for craft beer lovers, incredible beers to sip and enjoy! In preparation for our upcoming Battle of the Brewery event at Hexagon Calgary on October 19, we’ve put together short segments featuring each of the breweries participating in this conflict between the cold ones.

Opening their doors and kegs in 2016, Banded Peak is a Calgary brewery that is focused on making fresh and delightful beers. Their core set includes Chinook Saison, Plainbreaker Hopped Wheat Ale, Summit Seeker IPA, and Southern Aspect IPA. If you are a fan of saisons, then you should be a fan of Banded Peak, especially for their seasonals: the Cherry Tart Saison and the Cliff-Jumper Dry Hopped Saison.

Based out of Lacombe, Blindman is an almost necessary detour on every road trip between Edmonton and Calgary. They use mostly local ingredients to brew their excellent beers, such as the Longshadows IPA, the Triphammer Porter, the Blindman River Session Ale, mouthwatering Kettle Sours, and more. If you’ve taken an interest in IPAs or Porters, definitely try the Longshadows or the Triphammer.

Another fantastic Calgary brewery, Village’s creed is that it takes a village to raise a beer, and they proudly give 10 percent of their bottom line back into the places and people they love. You can check this out on their website, where they have a cool little infographic showing their community reinvestment. They have a whole host of tasty brews, as wide and varied as a village, perfect for when the mood for a little meet and greet comes around.